Welcome to Family Saturdays! We have lots of exciting events coming up that are fun for all the family!
No booking is necessary on any of these events, just turn up, pay the normal admission fee, and join in the fun in learning all about Viking and Medieval Dublin!
11th of January – Special Family Tour
One of our expert costumed tour guides will take you on a special family tour throughout our exhibitions, learn all about Viking and Medieval life in Dublin city, try on some Viking costumes, sit in a Viking house, walk through the streets of Medieval Dublin, and visit the Medieval fair. Starting at 10.30am from the Dublinia welcome desk.
18th of January – Family Activity Sheet Challenge
Come and take part in our Family Saturdays programme. We have an exciting activity sheet for all the family to complete in our exhibitions, download it here, or ask for it at our Welcome desk, and have a go on your visit
Download the Family Activity Sheet here
25th of January – Colouring Day
Colour in some vicious Vikings or Medieval maidens at our special colouring day at Dublinia!